Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Web 2.0

     Web 1.0 was not interactive. Only individuals who could write code could create and upload web content. However, content and form were later separated. This meant individuals did not have to know the correct form in order to contribute to the web. It was no longer necessary to either learn the code or hire someone who knew it. Anyone could create. Anyone could upload content. Anyone could sell on the web. This ushered in a whole new web experience. It was no longer one-sided. It was democratized. Anyone with access to  the net could contribute. Professor Wesch gave the video the title "Web 2.0...the machine is us/using us" because we are creating the content. We are also editing, cataloging, responding, and using the content in vastly new and different ways. In other words, we are a collective intelligence at work on the web- we are a living machine. We are web 2.o.

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